Community Development | Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2018


One Step Ahead of the Bulldozer: Historic Preservation in Houston, Texas, Stephanie Ryberg Webster


Our Pathway to a Brighter Future: Ohio’s New Americans, Allison Herre, Eugenio Mollo Jr., Lourdes Narváez Soto, Richey Piiparinen, Manju Sankarappa, and Guadalupe Velasquez


Variety Village District Economic Analysis: Retail Market Expansion, Economic Impact, and Fiscal Impact, Robert A. Simons, Kirby Date, Georgina Figueroa, N. Colt Ossoff, and Mattias Amoroso

Submissions from 2017


Fleet Avenue Revitalization Strategy, Robert A. Simons, Kirby Date, Georgina Figueroa, and N. Colt Ossoff


Center for Population Dynamics Quarterly Brief September 2017: Repopulating Cleveland from the Inside Out, Richey Piiparinen; Thomas Bier; Charlie Post; and Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP


Housing Dynamics in Northeast Ohio: Setting the Stage for Resurgence, Thomas E. Bier


Ten Years of Foreclosure Prevention in Cuyahoga County, Molly Schnoke


Preparing for Growth: An Emerging Neighborhood Market Analysis Commissioned by Mayor Frank G. Jackson for the City of Cleveland, Richey Piiparinen; Kyle Fee; Charlie Post; Jim Russell; Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP; and Thomas Bier


City of Oberlin, Comprehensive Housing Study and Needs Analysis, Kirby Date, Kathryn W. Hexter, Charlie Post, N. Colt Ossoff, and Arleesha Wilson


Community Development Lending by Banks in Cuyahoga County, 2015, Joanna Ganning

Loose Governance in Action: Tinkering Around in a Shrinking City, Nicholas C. Zingale, Aritree Samanta, and Esther J. West


Center for Population Dynamics Quarterly Brief January 2017: Transportation’s Role in the Economic Restructuring of Cleveland, Richey Piiparinen and Jim Russell

Submissions from 2016


Cuyahoga Countywide Housing Study: County Planning, Kathryn W. Hexter


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2015 Update: Ninth Annual Report January 1 - December 31, 2015, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke


Downtown Cleveland: The Dynamic Engine of a Talent-Driven Economy, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 5 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Kenneth Kalynchuk

Submissions from 2015


Mission, Vision, and Capacity of Place-Based Safety Net Hospitals: Leveraging the Power of Anchors to Strengthen Local Economies and Communities, Ziona Austrian, Serena Alexander, Merissa Piazza, and Candi Clouse


Neighbors Building Community - A Community Empowerment Initiative Through Community Mapping, Mark J. Salling


University Circle & Little Italy Study: Demographic Trends, Property Assessment, and Recommendations for Neighborhood Revitalization, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Ellen Cyran, Paul Boehnlein, Bryan Townley, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Slavic Village Neighborhood Retail Market Study, Kirby Date


Economic Profile: Village of Middlefield, Ohio, Kirby Date


Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program Final Report 2012-2014, Kathryn Hexter


Understanding the Location Decisions of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Holders: Pilot Study, Kathryn Hexter, W Dennis Keating, Mittie Davis Jones, Brian Mikelbank, Michael Veres, and Joyce Huang

Submissions from 2014


Downtown Market Study: City of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, Kirby Date


The Ugly City Beautiful - A Policy Analysis, Richey Piiparinen

Historic Preservation and Urban Revitalization in the Twenty-First Century, Stephanie R. Ryberg-Webster and Kelly Kinahan


Retail Market Study: Village of Middlefield, Ohio, Kirby Date

Submissions from 2013


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County: 2012 Evaluation Report, Kathryn Hexter and Molly Schnoke


Living Cities Integration Initiative: Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Year 2 Programs & Project Report, Candi Clouse, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Serineh Baboomian, and Joe Andre


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: A Report of System Changes and Their Outcome Measures Year 2, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Serineh Baboomian, and Candi Clouse


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Evaluation Executive Summary Year 2, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Serineh Baboomian


Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio- Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Formative Report Year 2, Kathryn Hexter, Ziona Austrian, and Candi Clouse

Submissions from 2012


Executive Summary- Re-Thinking the Future of Cleveland's Neighborhood Developers, Norman Krumholz and Kathryn Hexter


Full Report- Re-Thinking the Future of Cleveland's Neighborhood Developers: Interim Report, Norman Krumholz and Kathryn Hexter

Here Comes the Neighborhood: A Cleveland Success Story, an article on the Gordon Square Arts District, PLANNING Magazine (Vol. 78, No. 3), Norman Krumholz and Joy Roller


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2011 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke

Submissions from 2011


Remix Cleveland- The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Executive Summary, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey


Remix Cleveland: The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Full Report, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey


Cleveland's Ecovillage: Green and Affordable Housing Through a Network Alliance, Wendy A. Kellogg and W. Dennis Keating

Engaged Learning Three Ways: Community Development Research on the Housing Crisis, Brian A. Mikelbank


Pennsylvania’s True Commonwealth: The State of Manufacturing – Challenges and Opportunities (Full Report), Edward W. Hill, John R. Brandt, Iryna Lendel, Faith Noble, Ellen Cyran, Charles Post, Jim Samuel, and Fran Stewart

Profile of Change in Downtown Land Use, 1994-2009, Charles Post


Revitalizing Distressed Older Suburbs, Kathryn W. Hexter, Edward W. Hill, Brian A. Mikelbank, Benjamin Y. Clark, and Charles Post

Separating the Good From the Bad From the Ugly: Indicators for Housing Market Analysis, Brian A. Mikelbank and Charles Post

Submissions from 2010


Census 2010 and Human Services and Community Development, Mark Salling and Jenita McGowan

Submissions from 2009


Financial Intermediaries for Community and Economic Development in Ohio: Market Assessment, Ziona Austrian, Brian A. Mikelbank, Afia Yamoah, Charles Post, Candice Clouse, and David O. Kasdan

Risky Business: Housing Data, Vacancy and Abandonment, Brian A. Mikelbank

Submissions from 2007


Jefferson Village Downtown District Plan, Wendy A. Kellogg, Kirby Date, Richard Klein, James Wyles, Alicia Dyer, Tim Kobie, and Christine Zuniga

Submissions from 2005

The Role of Inner-Ring Suburbs in Metropolitan Smart Growth Strategies, Sugie Lee and Nancey Green Leigh

Submissions from 2004


Playhouse Square Center: Economic Impact and Contribution to Northeast Ohio, Robert Sadowski, Jill Norton, Ziona Austrian, and Mark Rosentraub

Submissions from 2003


Coastal Resources Management Training Needs Assessment: Strategies and Opportunities, Kevin O'Brien, Claudette Robey, Wendy A. Kellogg, and Michael J. Tevesz

Community Development and Environmental Quality: Benefits and Challenges Using a Service Learning Model for University Engagement, Wendy A. Kellogg

Submissions from 1999


From the Field: Observations on Using GIS to Develop a Neighborhood Environmental Information System for Community-Based Organizations, Wendy A. Kellogg

Submissions from 1998


The Community Development Industry System: A Case Study of Politics and Institutions in Cleveland, Jordan S. Yin

Submissions from 1996


Review of Resolving Environmental Conflict: Towards Sustainable Community Development, Wendy A. Kellogg

Submissions from 1994

Neighborhood Reinvestment, Service Factories, and Commercial Gentrification: A Policy Solution That Will Not Work, Edward W. Hill