EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Asian Female International Students’ Perceived Discrimination and Mental Health

Presenter Information

Tao LiuFollow


Fenn Tower Ballroom

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Start Date

4-12-2014 3:30 PM

End Date

4-12-2014 4:20 PM


This study was designed to understand female Asian international students’ perception of discrimination and mental health. 213 female Asian students from two midwestern universities reported their experiences of discrimination of sexism, racism, and nationality as well as perceived loneliness and life satisfaction. Results showed that higher levels of discrimination related to their race and nationality than gender and substantial loneliness and psychological stress. All three types of perceived discrimination were significantly related to perceived loneliness and subjective life satisfaction. Implications on international student mental health and counselors’ competency when working with this population will be discussed at the presentation.


Apr 12th, 3:30 PM Apr 12th, 4:20 PM

Asian Female International Students’ Perceived Discrimination and Mental Health

Fenn Tower Ballroom

This study was designed to understand female Asian international students’ perception of discrimination and mental health. 213 female Asian students from two midwestern universities reported their experiences of discrimination of sexism, racism, and nationality as well as perceived loneliness and life satisfaction. Results showed that higher levels of discrimination related to their race and nationality than gender and substantial loneliness and psychological stress. All three types of perceived discrimination were significantly related to perceived loneliness and subjective life satisfaction. Implications on international student mental health and counselors’ competency when working with this population will be discussed at the presentation.