Submissions from 1998
What is a Central City in the United States? Applying a Statistical Technique for Developing Taxonomies, Edward W. Hill, John F. Brennan, and Harold L. Wolman
Adopting an Ecosystem Approach: Local Variability in Remedial Action Planning, Wendy A. Kellogg
Ohio Business Establishments Inter-County Relocation Trends During the 1994-1997 Period, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf
The Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit Program: An economic impact Analysis, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf
The Ohio Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment Investment Tax Credit: An Economic Impact Analysis, Ziona Austrian and Adina Swirski Wolf
Brass Mill Mall: Bringing New life to a Brownfield Site in Waterbury, Connecticut, Robert A. Simons and Michael Leccese
The Metalworking Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region: A Briefing Paper, John F. Brennan
World-Class Productivity, Edward W. Hill
The Future of the Northeast Ohio Workforce, Jocelyn Fagan
Public Administration, Social Science, and Political Association, Michael W. Spicer
Government Is Us: Public Administration in an Anti-Government Era, Camilla M. Stivers and Cheryl Simrell King
The Instruments and Controls Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region, Jocelyn Fagan
The Insurance Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region: A Briefing Paper, Ziona Austrian
Advancing Excellence in Public Management Through CPM Programs, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Melissa Miller
AHP: Multiple Criteria Evaluation, William M. Bowen, Richard Klosterman, and Richard Brail
Cameralist thought and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
David Hume and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Democracy Without Politicians: Neighborhood Organizations and Public/Private Partnerships, Stuart Mendel
Development Trends in Medina County, Ohio, Thomas Bier
Dynamics of Suburbanization in Ohio Metropolitan Areas, Thomas Bier and S. Howe
Frederick the Great on Government and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Government Regulation of Contaminated Land: A Tale of Three Cities, Robert A. Simons, Nelson Chan, and Rodney Jefferies
How Many Brownfield Sites are There?, Robert A. Simons
Industrial Policy American Style: From Hamilton to HDTV, Richard D. Bingham
Methods for Teaching Environmental Law: Some Thoughts on Providing Access to the Environmental Law System, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Performance Measurement: Concepts and Techniques, Marilyn Jackson, Cheryle Broom, Vera Vogelsang-Co, and Jody Harris
Performance Zoning: A Silver Anniversary Evaluation, Alan C. Weinstein
Price Appreciation of Older Homes, Thomas Bier
Principles for Rethinking The Federal Government's Role in Economic Development, Edward W. Hill
Public Administration under Enlightened Despotism in Prussia: An Examination of Frederick the Great's Administrative Practice, Michael W. Spicer
Public Policy and Urban Sprawl: Lessons from Northeast Ohio, Burgess P. and Thomas Bier
Redevelopment Strategies for the Darst Street Site in Peoria, Illinois, Kirstin Toth and Donald T. Iannone
Rent Control: Regulation and the Rental Housing Market, W Dennis Keating
Sellers of Cleveland Homes, 1988-1996 1998, Thomas Bier, Charles Post, and Winifred J. Weizer
Single-Family Home Sales and Appreciation: Cuyahoga County 1997, Charles Post
Strategy Building Session for the Port Authority for Brownfields Redevelopment in Cincinnati and Hamilton County, OH, Kirstin Toth and Donald T. Iannone
Strategy Building Session for WireNet for the City of Cleveland West Side Economic Development Initiative: Site Prioritization and Selection, Kirstin Toth and Donald T. Iannone
Tax Increment Financing: Municipal Adoption and Effects On Property Value Growth, Mark Rosentraub and Joyce Man
Teaching Neighborhood Collaborative Planning, W Dennis Keating
The Air Services Hierarchy in North America: A Regional Perspective on Air Services and Economic Development, Edward W. Hill
The Changing Value of Real Estate in the Cleveland Area, Thomas Bier
The Chemical Cluster in the Northeast Ohio Region, Dwayne Keeney and Adina Swirski Wolf
The Community Development Industry System: A Case Study of Politics and Institutions in Cleveland, Jordan S. Yin
The community option in urban policy, Jordan S. Yin, J. Pitt, and P Clavel
The "Modified" Takings Test of Goldberg v. Richmond Heights: Why the Ohio Supreme Court Didn't Get It Quite Right, Alan C. Weinstein
The Science of Administration, The Founders, and Theories of Political Association, Michael W. Spicer
The Shrinking Central City Amidst Growing Suburbs: Case Studies of Ohio¹s Inelastic Cities, S. Howe, D. Allor, Thomas Bier, T. Finnerty, and P. Green
The Value Impact of Neighborhood Transition on Residential Sales Price, Robert A. Simons, Ivan Maric, and Roberto Querica
Turning Brownfields Into Greenbacks: Developing and Financing Environmentally Contaminated Urban Real Estate, Robert A. Simons
Turning Brownfields into Greenbacks: Redeveloping and Financing Contaminated Urban Real Estate, Robert A. Simons
Submissions from 1997
The Future of Northeast Ohio's Airports: Framing the Coming Debate, Edward W. Hill
Ohio's Metropolitan Areas: Employment and Payroll Trends in Central and Suburban Counties, Ziona Austrian
Regulation of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: Unintended Side Effects, Robert A. Simons and Arthur Sementelli
Assessment of the Rising Tide Initiative of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland, Edward W. Hill and Rosalyn Allison
Supply and Demand for Brownfields in Great Lakes Cities, Robert A. Simons and Don Iannone
Downtown Cleveland's Economic Base, 1989-1996, Ziona Austrian and Jocelyn Fagan
Measuring the Regional Economic Impact of the Port of Cleveland's Maritime Operations, Charles Post, Donald T. Iannone, and Ziona Austrian
City-Suburban Income Disparities and Metropolitan Area Employment: Can Tightening Labor Markets Reduce the Gaps?, Edward W. Hill and Harold Wolman
Jump Starting New Urban Housing Markets: Do the Fiscal Benefits Justify the Public Costs?, Robert A. Simons and David Sharkey
Policy Lessons from Cleveland's Economic Restructuring and the Accompanying Case Study, Edward W. Hill
Review of Global Ecology: Environmental Change and Social Flexibility and Environment and Resource Policies for the World Economy, Wendy A. Kellogg
Accounting for the Change in Income Disparities between US Central Cities and their Suburbs from 1980 to 1990, Edward W. Hill and Harold L. Wolman
Anderson's American Law of Zoning, Alan C. Weinstein
Avoiding the issue, Jennifer K. Alexander
Beyond Edge Cities, Richard D. Bingham, William M. Bowen, and et al.
Brownfield Redevelopment Strategies for Elkhart, IN: Technical Advisory Report on Financial, Marketing, & Economic Development Strategies, Kirstin Toth and Paul Christensen
Can City Hall Create Private Jobs?, William M. Bowen
Cleveland's Gateway to the Future, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian
Contractarianism. In Jay M. Shafritz (ed.), Michael W. Spicer
Cross-sector collaboration: The Great Lakes Environmental Center, Ziona Austrian and Don Iannone
Dilemmas of Urban Economic Development: Issues in Theory and Practice, Richard D. Bingham and Robert (eds) Mier
Downtown Cleveland's Economic Base, 1989-1996: Executive Summary, Ziona Austrian and Jocelyn Fagan
Global Perspectives on Economic Development: Government and Enterprise Finance, Richard D. Bingham and Edward W. Hill
Governance Education: Helping City Councils Learn, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs
Government and Business Finance in Russia, Edward W. Hill and Terry Buss
Land Use and the First Amendment, Alan C. Weinstein
Lessons from RAPs: Citizen Participation and the Ecology of Community, Wendy A. Kellogg
Metropolitan Growth and the Local Role in Surface Water Resource Protection in the Lake Erie Basin, Wendy A. Kellogg
Municipal Regulation of Adult Entertainment, Alan C. Weinstein
Political Science and Public Administration: A Necessary Cleft?, Lawrence F. Keller and Michael W. Spicer
Postmodern Philosophy and Public Administration: Some Reflections on 'Deconstruction and Pragmatism', Michael W. Spicer
Poverty and Economic Morphology of Ohio Central-City Neighborhoods, Richard D. Bingham and Zhongcai Zhang
Public Administration, the State, and the Postmodern Condition, Michael W. Spicer
Public Policy and "Rural Sprawl": Lessons from Northeast Ohio, Patricia Burgess and Thomas Bier
Reason, Discretion, and Tradition: A Reflection on the Burkean World-View and Its Implications for Public Administration, Akhlaque Haque and Michael W. Spicer
Rethinking National Economic Development Policy, Overview/Summary, In Rethinking National Economic Development Policy, Edward W. Hill, Bennett Harrison, and Marcus S. Weiss
Single-Family Home Sales and Appreciation: Cuyahoga County, 1996, Thomas Bier
Tax Base Disparity: Development of Greater Cleveland¹s Sapphire Necklace, Thomas Bier
The Challenge of Providing Adequate Housing for the Elderly . . . Along with Everyone, Alan C. Weinstein
The Economic New World Order, Richard Bingham and Edward W. Hill
The Effect of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Residential Property Values in Cuyahoga County Ohio, William M. Bowen, Robert A. Simons, and Arthur Sementelli
The Effect of Underground Storage Tanks on Residential Property Values, Robert A. Simons
The History of Statistics, William M. Bowen
The Influence of Hume on American Public Administration , Michael W. Spicer
Zoning and Landmark Regulation of Religious Institutions after City of Boerne v. Flores, Alan C. Weinstein
Submissions from 1996
Small Business Lending: Barriers and Trends, Zhongcai Zhang and Ziona Austrian
Financing Environmentally Contaminated Land in the Great Lakes Empowerment Zones, Robert A. Simons