Submissions from 1989
Symposium on Rent Control, W Dennis Keating
Tests on a Theory of Risk and Culture, William M. Bowen
The State Development and Redevelopment Plan: An Initial Assessment of the Proces, Roland Anglin
Submissions from 1988
Differences in The Dependency Rate Among the States in 1985: Implications for Development and Labor Market Policy, Edward W. Hill
A Comparative Study of Three Models of Racial Integration in Housing in Suburban Cleveland, W Dennis Keating, William Pammer, and Lawrence B. Smith
A Deep Knowledge Architecture for Intelligent Support of Nuclear Waste Transportation Decisions, William M. Bowen, D. Batra, T. Hill, and K. Weeks
An Annotated Bibliography of Current Literature on Midwest Economic Development, William M. Bowen
Book Review, The Failure of the Private Housing Market, W Dennis Keating
Rent Control in the United States, W. Dennis Keating and Kenneth Baar
Responding to the Impact of Downtown Development: Linkage Programs and Comprehensive Planning, W. Dennis Keating
Self-interest, Public Spirit and Public Policy, Michael W. Spicer
Suburban Cleveland's 20-Year Integration Struggle, W Dennis Keating
The Conduct of Legislators, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Larry A. Bakken
Submissions from 1987
What Is the Effect of Random Variation in State Unemployment Rates?, Edward W. Hill
Judicial Approaches to Urban Housing Problems - A Study of the Cleveland Housing Court, W. Dennis Keating
Book Review, Progressive Cities and the Tenants Movement, W Dennis Keating
Landlord Self-Regulation: New York City's Rent Stabilization System, 1969-1985, W Dennis Keating
Man-Made Women, Roberta M. Steinbacher, G. Corea, R. Duelli-Klein, and R. Hanmer
Public Utilities and the Poor: Rights and Responsibilities, David Sweet and Kathryn W. Hexter
Sex choice: Survival and Sisterhood. In G. Corea et al (eds) Man-Made Women., Roberta M. Steinbacher
The Effect of Tax Evasion on Tax Rates Under Leviathan , Michael W. Spicer
Submissions from 1986
An Evaluation of the Cleveland Housing Court, W Dennis Keating and Philip D. Star
Berkeley's Elmwood Experiment, W Dennis Keating
Book Review, W Dennis Keating
Book Review Essay, Comparative Urbanization and Planning, W Dennis Keating
Civilization at a Discount: The Problem of Tax Evasion , Michael W. Spicer
Housing/CD Linkages: A Tested Strategy, W Dennis Keating
Linking Downtown Development to Broader Community Goals - an Analysis of Linkage Policy in Three Cities, W. Dennis Keating
Submissions from 1985
Quit flogging, start appreciating government administrators, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs
Strategic agenda management: A marriage of organizational development and strategic planning., Douglas Eadie and Roberta Steinbacher
A Public Choice Approach to Motivation in Bureaucratic Organizations , Michael W. Spicer
Preference for sex of child among primiparous women, Roberta M. Steinbacher
Tax Evasion and Heuristics: A Research Note , Michael W. Spicer and R. E. Hero
The Chicago Development Plan 1984 - Chicago-Dept-Planning, Norman Krumholz, P. Costigan, and W. Dennis Keating
Submissions from 1983
Preselection of child's sex: Technological utilization and feminism, Roberta M. Steinbacher and F. Kilroy
Submissions from 1982
A Retrospective View of Equity Planning - Cleveland 1969-1979, Norman Krumholz
The British Health Care System: A Comparative Economic Perspective , Michael W. Spicer
Audit Probabilities and the Tax Evasion Decision: An Experimental Approach, Michael W. Spicer and J. E. Thomas
Reorganizations and Reforms: Promises, Promises, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Marvin Cummins
The Economics of Bureaucracy and the British National Health Service , Michael W. Spicer
Submissions from 1981
Energy Conservation: A Campus Guidebook, Kevin O'Brien
Futuristic Implications of Sex Preselection. The Custom-made Child: Women's Perspectives., Roberta M. Steinbacher
Submissions from 1980
Fiscal Inequity and Tax Evasion: An Experimental Approach , Michael W. Spicer
Submissions from 1979
On Social Aspects of Consumer Behavior - Comment , Michael W. Spicer
The Annan Report and the Economics of Broadcasting Reform in the United Kingdom , Michael W. Spicer
The Changing Structure of Jobs in Older and Younger Cities, Bennett Harrison and Edward W. Hill
Submissions from 1976
The Political Economy of British Broadcasting, Michael W. Spicer and J. D. Abel
Understanding Tax Evasion , Michael W. Spicer, S. Lundstedt, and R. A. Hill
Submissions from 1975
New Approaches to the Problem of Tax Evasion , Michael W. Spicer