Submissions from 2021
Manufacturing in the 21st Century, Iryna Lendel and Mike Naso
Opportunities for Youngstown in the Supply Chains of Northeast Ohio and Pittsburgh Economies, Iryna Lendel, Iryna Demko, and Georgina G. Figueroa
Reflections on the 2020 Census: Trends in Cleveland’s Hispanic and Latino Population, Richey Piiparinen
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ohio Manufacturing, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, and Madeline Frantz
Migration is Economic Development, Richey Piiparinen, Josh Valdez, and Jim Russell
Pandemic-Related Business Assistance, July 2021, Iryna Lendel, Molly Schnoke, and Scott A. Corsi
Pittsburgh v. Cleveland: Winning in Football (Finally), Losing in Economic Development (Still). A Story Told in Graphs., Richey Piiparinen
Covid-19 and its Effect on Trip Mode and Destination Decisions of Transit Riders: Experience from Ohio, Robert A. Simons, Mark Henning, Abigail Poeske, Malcolm Trier, and Kirt Conrad
Pandemic-Related Housing Assistance, July 2021, Iryna V. Lendel, Molly Schnoke, and Scott A. Corsi
Redistricting: A Guide for the GIS Community, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP and Blake Esselstyn GISP
Not All High-Growth Firms Are Alike: Capturing and Tagging Ohio’s Gazelles, Merissa Piazza and Edward W. Hill
The Online Marketplace: Zero-Order City or New Source of Social Inequality?, Joanna Ganning and Timothy Green
Urban Lowlands: A History of Neighborhoods, Poverty, and Planning, by Steven T. Moga, W Dennis Keating
Erosion in Ohio Home-Rule Rights Hurts Citizens, Helps Monied Interests, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Impact of Race and Gender on the SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Amounts, Iryna Demko and Ana Claudia Sant' Anna
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2020, Iryna V. Lendel and Jinhee Yun
Reviving Cleveland’s Commercial Corridors: Analyzing the Storefront Renovation Program, 1983–2016, Kelly L. Kinahan and Stephanie Ryberg Webster
Reviving Cleveland’s Commercial Corridors: Analyzing the Storefront Renovation Program, 1983–2016, Kelly L. Kinahan and Stephanie Ryberg Webster
Legacy Effect of Soviet Budgeting System on Public Capital Budgeting: Cases of Russia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan, Ermasova Natalia, Tatyana Guzman, and Erica Ceka
GIS Software Functionality for Redistricting, Blake Esselstyn and Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Cleveland Heights Police Department 2019 Traffic Ticketing Patterns, Ronnie A. Dunn
Alexander Hamilton's Public Administration by Richard T. Green, Galia Cohen and Michael W. Spicer
The Charitable Solicitation Context of Americans for Prosperity Foundation V. Beccerra, Joseph Mead
Moving Cleveland Above the Trend: New Residential Centers, Iryna V. Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Molly Schnoke, and Shneur Kushner
Golden Gates: Fighting for housing in America, by Conor Dougherty, W Dennis Keating
Some Reflections on Contestation and Cosmopolitanism in Democracy and their Implications for Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ohio, Matthew Ellerbrock, Iryna Demko, Iryna Lendel, and Erica Henrichsen
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q1 AND Q2 2020, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning, Oluwatosin Oladipo, and Samuel Owusu-Agyemang
Voluntary, Forced, and Induced Renter Mobility: The Influence of State Policies, Megan Hatch
Pandemic-Related Business Assistance, February 2021, Iryna V. Lendel, Molly Schnoke, and Erica Henrichsen
Navigating Government Statistics of Small Businesses for Pandemic Assistance, Iryna Demko, Iryna V. Lendel, and Georgina Guadalupe Figueroa
Moving Cleveland Above the Trend: Innovation & Talent, Iryna V. Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Molly Schnoke, and Nora Walsh
City of Lorain Comprehensive Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis, Kirby Date, Charlie Post, and Rachel Riemenschneider
City of Lorain Comprehensive Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis: Appendices, Kirby Date, Charlie Post, and Rachel Riemenschneider
Housing Market Pressures in Youngstown during the GM Plant Closure (2016 to 2019), Iryna Demko, Molly Schnoke, Rachel Lefebre, Isabella McKnight, and Merissa Piazza
Local Jurisdictions and Variations in State Law in the Marcellus Shale Region, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Moving Cleveland Above the Trend: Entrepreneurship Policy, Iryna V. Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Molly Schnoke, and Shneur Kushner
Section E. Municipal Regulation, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Submissions from 2020
Tensions in State–Local Intergovernmental Response to Emergencies: The Case of COVID-19, Bruce D. McDonald III, Christopher B. Goodman, and Megan Hatch
Update of Investigation into Changes in Fuel Economy and Vehicle Range Related to Change in Ambient Temperature for Battery and Fuel Cell Electric Buses, Mark Henning, Andrew R. Thomas, Alison Smyth, and David Higgs
Does the Written Word Matter? The Role of Uncovering and Utilizing Information from Written Comments in Housing Ads, Youngme Seo, JongHo Im, and Brian Mikelbank
Case Study Analysis of Hermeneutic Boundary Spanning During Policy Change and Transition, Nicholas C. Zingale and Alexandra Higl
Economic Vitality Index: Mapping Ohio's 88 Counties, Matthew Ellerbrock, Courtney Whitman, Iryna V. Lendel, and Merissa Piazza
Economic Vitality Index: Mapping Ohio's 88 Counties (Map), Matthew Ellerbrock, Courtney Whitman, Iryna V. Lendel, and Merissa Piazza
Pandemic Related Housing Assistance, December 2020, Iryna V. Lendel, Molly Schnoke, and Erica Henrichsen
Procurement Strategies for Reducing Capital Costs of Zero-Emission Buses, Alison Smyth, Justin Brightharp, Andrew R. Thomas, and Mark Henning
Collaborative Planning Principles for Disaster Preparedness, Deborah F. Shmueli, Connie P. Ozawa, and Sanda Kaufman
Chester Township Community Questionnaire Summary Report, Kirby Date, Molly Schnoke, and Rachel Lefebre
Economic Impact of CareSource on Dayton and Ohio, Iryna V. Lendel, Iryna Demko, Matthew Ellerbrock, Rachel Lefebre, and Georgina Figueroa
Losing Your Home Is Bad for Your Health: Short- and Medium-Term Health Effects of Eviction on Young Adults, Megan Hatch and Jinhee Yun
City of Lorain Slum and Blight Analysis: Final Report, Kirby Date, Charlie Post, and Rachel Riemenschneider
Real Estate Development and Economic Development Planning Education: Pragmatic Turn or Trojan Horse?, Minjee Kim, Emil Malizia, Marla Nelson, Laura Wolf-Powers, Joanna Ganning, and Greg Schrock
State Preemption of Local Laws: Origins and Modern Trends, Christopher B. Goodman, Megan Hatch, and Bruce D. McDonald III
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q3 AND Q4 2019, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning, Oluwatosin Oladipo, and Samuel Owusu-Agyemang
Are There Opportunities in Opportunity Zones?, Tatyana Guzman and Rachel Lefebre
Can the EITC and Unemployment Insurance Replace Lost Wages?, Megan Hatch and Chloe G. White
Jobless Pandemic: Geography of Layoffs and Opportunity Zones, Georgina Figueroa, Matthew Ellerbrock, and Iryna V. Lendel
Youngstown Economy: Recession and Path to Recovery, Iryna Demko, Iryna V. Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Georgina Figueroa, and Matthew Ellerbrock
Moving Cleveland Above the Trend: Benchmarking Regional Performance (Presentation), Iryna V. Lendel
Moving Cleveland Above the Trend: Benchmarking Regional Performance (Report), Iryna V. Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Molly Schnoke, Jinhee Yun, and Nora Walsh
From Neighbors to Partners: The Adoption of Interlocal Government Collaboration in the United States, 1977–2007, Meghan Rubado
City of East Cleveland Visioning Project, Roland Anglin, Gregory L. Brown, Kirby Date, Elaine Sutton, Dwain Johnson, Elizabeth Nardi, and Erin Vokes
More Monitoring, Less Coordination: Twitter and Facebook Use between Emergency Management Agencies, R Clayton Wukich
Economics of Carbon Capture and Storage for Small Scale Hydrogen Generation for Transit Refueling Stations, Peter Psarras, Mark Henning, and Andrew R. Thomas
Doctoral Education and the Academic Job Market in Planning: 2019-2020, Joanna Ganning
STEM and Soft Occupational Competencies: Analyzing the Value of Strategic Regional Human Capital, Fran Stewart, Minkyu Yeom, and Alice Stewart
Efforts to Promote Voting by Mail May Help Ensure Strong Voter Turnout Among Both Young and Old Voters in Cuyahoga County's Fall 2020 Election, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Connecting Mayors: The Content and Formation of Twitter Information Networks, Clayton Wukich
Reliance on Voting by Mail Could Reduce Voter Turnout Among Black and Hispanic/Latino Voters in Cuyahoga County, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
NEO GRIDs Performance in 2020, Iryna Demko, Merissa Piazza, and Iryna V. Lendel
Transit Oriented Development and Retail: Is Variation in Success Explained by a Gap between Theory and Practice?, Joanna Ganning and Matthew McKee Miller
A Scalable Pavement Sensing, Data Analytics, and Visualization Platform for Lean Governance in Smart Communities, Phong Nguyen, Raghav Rao, Vincent Brown, Matthew McConnell, Nicholas A. Barendt, Nicholas C. Zingale, Soumyajit Mandal, Farhad Kaffashi, and Kenneth A. Loparo
Vote by Mail by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity in Cuyahoga County, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
An Ethical Choice, What Would You Do?, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Exploring the Trade-Offs Local Governments Make in the Pursuit of Economic Growth and Equity, Eric Stokan, Aaron Deslatte, and Megan Hatch
Exploring the Trade-Offs Local Governments Make in the Pursuit of Economic Growth and Equity, Eric Stokan, Aaron Deslatte, and Megan Hatch
How Can Local Governments Address Pandemic Inequities?, Aaron Deslatte, Megan Hatch, and Eric Stokan
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2019, Iryna V. Lendel, Jinhee Yun, and Courtney Whitman
Thinking like a Region in Northeast Ohio? Factors that Predict Local Government Participation in Collaborative Policy and Planning, Meghan Rubado, Joanna Ganning, Thomas Hilde, and Wendy A. Kellogg
Parkchester: A Bronx Tale of Race and Ethnicity, By Jeffrey S. Gurock, W Dennis Keating
From Economic Slowdown to Recession, Iryna Demko, Iryna V. Lendel, and Merissa Piazza
Petitioners' Reply Memorandum in Support of Their Emergency Petetion for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, Joseph Mead, David J. Carey, Freda J. Levenson, David A. Singleton, Mark A. Vander Laan, and Michael L. Zuckerman
Emergency Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Injunctive, and Declaratory Relief - Class Action, Joseph Mead, David J. Carey, Mark A. Vander Laan, Freda Levenson, and David Singleton
The Role of Public Transportation in Youngstown, Iryna V. Lendel, Iryna Demko, Obed Pasha, and Georgina Figueroa
Cities and Citizens Seethe: A Case Study of Local Efforts to Influence Natural Gas Pipeline Routing Decisions, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Multi-Group Labor-Management Negotiations: Model and Case Study, Sanda Kaufman, Maria Koutsovoulou, and Miron Kaufman
Ohio Workers and the COVID-19 Global Health Emergency, Joseph Andre and Robert Gleeson
“Who’s Been Fooling Who?” Reflections on Truth and Deception in Politics and Their Implications for Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Good Jobs: Employment and Wages in Groups of Regional Industrial Drivers, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Iryna Demko, Matthew Ellerbrock, and Emily Forsee
How the Midwest Can Lead the Hydrogen Economy: Matching Generation Assets to Distribution Markets in Planning Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure for Trucking and Transit, Mark Henning, Andrew R. Thomas, Michael Triozzi, and Peter Psarras
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q1 and Q2 2019, Andrew R. Thomas and Mark Henning
"Don't Count Us Out!" Who is Likely to be Missed in the 2020 Census?, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Why Do We Still Conduct a Costly Census of All U.S. Residents Every Ten Years?, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Affordable Housing Preservation in Washington, DC: A Framework for Local Funding, Collaborative Governance and Community Organizing for Change, by Kathryn Howell, W Dennis Keating
Community Benefit Agreements: A Report for the City of East Cleveland, Beth Nagy, Matthew Herman, Amber Knapp, Leah Pirrung, Stephanie Lawson, Tisha Barnes, Sy Castells, Cong Wang, Isabella Ziemak, Cameron Caputi, John Curran, Otis Hooper, Clifton Hopkins, Morgan Clark, Madison Hudy, Amanda Biller, Jacqueline Revier, and Zach Kramka
Development Studies in Regional Science, Zhenhua Chen, William M. Bowen, and Dale Whittington
Introduction, William M. Bowen, Zhenhua Chen, and Dale Whittington
Introduction Project 400: Our Lived Experience, Ronnie A. Dunn
Proximate Causes of Worldwide Mega-Regional CO2 Emission Changes, 1995–2009, Inácio Fernandes de Araújo, William M. Bowen, Randall Jackson, and Amir B. Ferreira Neto
The Racist Impact of Redistributive Public Policies: Handout versus Hand-Up, Mittie Davis Jones