All Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Publications | Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2016


Trends in Occupational Employment in the Cleveland MSA: 2010 to 2015, Merissa Piazza


Cuyahoga Countywide Housing Study: County Planning, Kathryn W. Hexter


Eastern Ohio Shale & Housing Dashboard - Quarters 1&2, 2016, Kathryn W. Hexter, Iryna Lendel, Charlie Post, Nick Downer, and Sydney Martis

Enhancing Environmental Quality and Sustainability through Negotiation and Conflict Management: Research into Systems, Dynamics, and Practices, Michael L. Elliott and Sanda Kaufman


Housing Impact of Shale Development in Eastern Ohio, Kathryn W. Hexter, Iryna Lendel, Charlie Post, Nick Downer, and Sydney Martis


Center for Population Dynamics Quarterly Brief July 2016: Population Loss and Development Trends in Cleveland, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, Charlie Post, and Kyle Fee


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2015 Update: Ninth Annual Report January 1 - December 31, 2015, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke


Fellowship Programs: Best Practice Scan, Walter Wright, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Joyce Huang


Best Practices of Creating Innovation Exchange Web Portals Across the States, Iryna Lendel, Simon Husted, Luke Seaberg, and Serena Alexander


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2015, Iryna Lendel and Luke Seaberg


Robin Hambleton, Leading the Inclusive City: Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet (Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2015), W Dennis Keating


Cleveland’s Greater University Circle Initiative: An Anchor-Based Strategy for Change, Walter Wright, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Nick Downer


Downtown Cleveland: The Dynamic Engine of a Talent-Driven Economy, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


Governance for (climate) change in American “Legacy” cities: a case study of Cleveland, Sanda Kaufman


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 5 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


High-Growth Firms: Delineating Definitions, Industries, and Business Cycle Performance, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Iryna Lendel, Serena Alexander, Ellen Cyran, Deborah D. Hoover, and Ray Leach


Population: Fifth Migration, Crain Content Studio Cleveland


Does Technologically Enabled Citizen Participation Lead to Budget Adjustments? An Investigation of Boston, MA, and San Francisco, CA, Benjamin Y. Clark and Tatyana Guzman


Water Resilient Cities: Climate Change, Infrastructure, Economies and Governance in the Great Lakes Basin, Wendy A. Kellogg


Statutory Protection for Renters: Classification of State Landlord–Tenant Policy Approaches, Megan Hatch


Leadership Characteristics and Educational Levels Prevalent Among Senior-Level Fire Service Personnel in the United States, Bernard Becker III


2015 Economic Impact of Companies Funded and/or Assisted by the Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program, Candi Clouse and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Climate Change, Infrastructure, Economies, and Governance in the Great Lakes Basin, Wendy A. Kellogg


Courts, Constituencies, and the Enforcement of Fiduciary Duties in the Nonprofit Sector, Joseph Mead and Michael Pollack


Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Nexus Natural Gas Pipeline on the City of Green, Ohio, Robert A. Simons, Andrew R. Thomas, Iryna Lendel, and Bryan Townley


Cleveland Works: Employment Trends, 2014 to 2015, Richey Piiparinen and Jim Russell


Comprehensive Community Housing Study and Needs Analysis, Kathryn W. Hexter, Kirby Date, Charlie Post, Molly Schnoke, and Ellen Cyran


Statutory Protection for Renters: Classification of State Landlord–Tenant Policy Approaches, Megan Hatch


Historic Preservation in Declining City Neighbourhoods: Analysing Rehabilitation Tax Credit Investments in Six US Cities, Stephanie Ryberg Webster and Kelly L. Kinahan

Do Shrinking Cities Allow Redevelopment Without Displacement? An Analysis of Affordability Based on Housing and Transportation Costs for Redeveloping, Declining, and Stable Neighborhoods, J. Rosie Tighe and Joanna Ganning


Economic Impact Of Ohio Aerospace Institute, FY 1998-2015, Candi Clouse and Kenneth S. Kalynchuk


Temporary Sign Regulations in a Post-Reed America, Alan C. Weinstein and Wendy E. Moeller

A Framework for Using Crowdsourcing in Government, Benjamin Y. Clark, Nicholas C. Zingale, Joseph Logan, and Jeffrey Brudney


Annexation and Consolidation, Meghan Rubado


Arts Stability and Growth Amid Redevelopment in U.S. Shrinking Cities’ Downtowns, Joanna Ganning


Defining Place Image, Candi Clouse and Ashutosh Dixit


Law and the Volunteer: The Uncertain Employment and Tort Law Implications of the Altruistic Worker, Joseph Mead


Public Administration Theory and the Gentler Side of Kym Thorne, Michael W. Spicer


Source of Income Discrimination and Fair Housing Policy, J. Rosie Tighe, Megan Hatch, and Joseph Mead


The Effect of Three Incineration Plants on Residential Property Values in Hangzhou, China, Qinna Zhao, Robert A. Simons, and Zhong Fen


The Effects of Commuter Rail on Population Deconcentration and Commuting: A Salt Lake City Case Study, Joanna Ganning, Mercedes Beaudoin, Simon Brewer, Keuntae Kim, and Keunhyun Park


The Fifth Migration: A Study of Cleveland Millennials, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


The Forward Cities Cleveland Experience: Overview and Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, and Sydney Martis


When States’ Legislation and Constitutions Collide with Angry Locals: Shale Oil and Gas Development and its Many Masters, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson


Why We Need Reed: Unmasking Pretext in Anti-Panhandling Legislation, Joseph Mead

Submissions from 2015


Dunham Tavern Museum Governance Project, Stuart Mendel


Mission, Vision, and Capacity of Place-Based Safety Net Hospitals: Leveraging the Power of Anchors to Strengthen Local Economies and Communities, Ziona Austrian, Serena Alexander, Merissa Piazza, and Candi Clouse


Renaissance Fair, Richey Piiparinen

The Association Between Professional Performing Arts and Knowledge Class Growth: Implications for Metropolitan Economic Development, Arthur Nelson, Casey Dawkins, Joanna Ganning, Katherine Kittrell, and Reid Ewing


Neighbors Building Community - A Community Empowerment Initiative Through Community Mapping, Mark J. Salling


Federal, Ohio, and Cuyahoga County Timeline of Programs in Response to Housing Foreclosures: 2005-2015, Molly Schnoke, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Joyce Huang


Evaluating Lease-Purchase Financing for Professional Sports Facilities, Geoffrey Propheter and Megan Hatch


Operationalizing Strategy Content: An Example from the Transit Industry, Lauren Edwards, Theodore H. Poister, and Obed Pasha


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2014 Update: Ninth Annual Report January 1 - December 31, 2014, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke


Center for Population Dynamics Quarterly Brief October 2015: A Reason to Be- The "Upskilling" of Cleveland's Workforce, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


Improving Life in Our Urban Regions, Kim St. John-Stevenson and Robert Gleeson


Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Economic Impact Study, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, Ellen Cyran, Tatyana Guzman, Merissa Piazza, Stephanie Ryberg Webster, Charlie Post, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


University Circle & Little Italy Study: Demographic Trends, Property Assessment, and Recommendations for Neighborhood Revitalization, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Ellen Cyran, Paul Boehnlein, Bryan Townley, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Sign Regulation after Reed: Suggestions for Coping with Legal Uncertainty, Alan Weinstein and Brian Connolly

Using Social Marketing for Public Emergency Preparedness: Social Change for Community Resilience, Nancy Meyer-Emerick


Economics of Utica Shale in Ohio: Supply Chain Analysis, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, Bryan Townley, and Marcus Notaro


Economics of Utica Shale in Ohio: Workforce Analysis, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, Bryan Townley, Thomas Murphy, and Ken Kalynchuk


Mapping the Opportunities for Shale Development in Ohio, Iryna Lendel, Andrew R. Thomas, Bryan Townley, and Jeffrey C. Dick


Trends in Occupational Employment in the Cleveland MSA: 2007 to 2014, Merissa Piazza, Sydney Martis, and Marcus Notaro


Neglect of Older Ohio Communities Must End, Thomas Bier


Levin Students Tell Their Own Stories, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs


Opportunities for Stationary Fuel Cell Applications in Ohio: Public Finance and Other Strategies, Andrew R. Thomas, Benjamin Y. Clark, and Allan Immonen


Cuyahoga County 3.0 The Third Century: Time for Renewal, Thomas Bier


Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of the Financial Condition Index for Local Governments, Benjamin Y. Clark


The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2014, Iryna Lendel and Bryan Townley


Slavic Village Neighborhood Retail Market Study, Kirby Date


Economic Profile: Village of Middlefield, Ohio, Kirby Date

Book Review: Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb, W Dennis Keating

Book Review: Planning, Politics, and the Building of Modern Philadelphia, Stephanie Ryberg Webster


Box Office Ohio: Analysis and Economic Impact of the Film Industry in Northeast Ohio and Ohio, Candi Clouse and Nikki Glazer


Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 4 Evaluation Report, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Kenneth Kalynchuk


Machining: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza, Serena Alexander, and Marcus Notaro


Mapping Adult Migration in Cleveland, Ohio, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Eamon Johnson


Materials Joining and Forming: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander


The Politics of Federal R&D: A Punctuated Equilibrium Analysis, Walter D. Valdivia and Benjamin Y. Clark

Laboratories of (In)equality? Redistributive Policy and Income Inequality in the American States, Megan Hatch and Elizabeth Rigby


Molding: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander


Mutual Relationship of Strategic Stances and Formulation Methods, and their Impacts on Performance in Public Local Transit Agencies, Obed Pasha, Theodore H. Poister, and Lauren Edwards


Spotlight on Economic Development Grantmaking in Ohio, Molly Schnoke

The Government and Governance of Ohio: Party Politics and the Dismantling of Public Administration, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Lawrence F. Keller


Consolidation of the Lake County Fire & EMS Departments Feasibility Study, Bernard Becker III


2014 Economic Impact Of Companies Funded and/or Assisted By The Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program, Candi Clouse and Ziona Austrian


Additive Manufacturing: A Summary of the Literature, Merissa Piazza and Serena Alexander


From Metal to Minds: Economic Restructuring in the Rust Belt, Richey Piiparinen, Jim Russell, and Charlie Post


Moving Toward a Shared Understanding of the U.S. Shrinking City, Joanna Ganning and J. Rosie Tighe

Race, Space, and the Urban South: Then and Now, J. Rosie Tighe, Elana Needle, and Robert Hawkins

Retaining Public Value And Public Law Value In Outsourcing, Christine L. Rush and Nicholas C. Zingale


Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program Final Report 2012-2014, Kathryn Hexter

The Divergent City: Unequal and Uneven Development in St. Louis, J. Rosie Tighe and Joanna Ganning


Too Much of a Good Thing? Frequent Flyers and the Implications for the Coproduction of Public Service Delivery, Benjamin Y. Clark and Jeff Brudney


Evaluating Parking Monetization as a Strategy for Subsidizing Major League Sports Facilities, Geoffrey Propheter and Megan Hatch


Understanding the Location Decisions of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Holders: Pilot Study, Kathryn Hexter, W Dennis Keating, Mittie Davis Jones, Brian Mikelbank, Michael Veres, and Joyce Huang

Two-Group Dynamic Conflict Scenarios: “Toy Model” with a Severity Index, Sanda Kaufman and Miron Kaufman


States can fight growing economic inequality through lowering taxes on the poor, and stricter labor market policies, Megan Hatch and Elizabeth Rigby


Adam Ferguson’s “Essay on the History of Civil Society” and its Implications for American Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer