Submissions from 2019
Rhetoric and Reality: Jobs and the Energy Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Taekyoung Lim, Tatyana Guzman, and William M. Bowen
Before The New Street: Opportunity Corridor Residents and Jobs, 2017, Robert Gleeson and Joseph Andre
Anticipating Employment Location Patterns in Economic Regions: Modeling Complex Dynamics, Sanda Kaufman; Miron Kaufman; and Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q3 and Q4 2018, Andrew R. Thomas and Mark Henning
Gradual Growth in Regional Collaboration in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Roland Anglin and Rene Kizys
An Analysis of the Association between Changes in Ambient Temperature, Fuel Economy, and Vehicle Range for Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Electric Buses, Mark Henning, Andrew R. Thomas, and Alison Smyth
Estimating Social Costs for Various Fuel Strategies for Transit Buses, Mark Henning
Opportunity Youth Programs based in Urban and Metropolitan Universities: A Scan of the Field, Molly Schnoke and Gregory Brown
The Evolution of Local Dealerships: The Backbone of the U.S. Automobile Industry, Richard Klein
The State of Rural Northeast Ohio, Iryna Demko and Samuel Owusu-Agyemang
Levin Regional Cooperation Survey, Roland Anglin and Rene Kizys
Oil and Gas as a Driver of the Regional Economy: Updates, Iryna Lendel
Energy Storage Roadmap for Northeast Ohio 2019: Full Report, Mark Henning and Andrew R. Thomas
Doctoral Education and the Academic Job Market in Planning: 2018-2019, Joanna Ganning and Georgina Figueroa
Identifying Sector-Based Opportunities to Create Living-Wage Jobs in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Robert Gleeson
Examining Inclusive Growth: Minority-Owned Firms in the Cleveland-Elyria MSA Brief, Iryna Lendel
Energy Storage Roadmap for Northeast Ohio 2019: Executive Summary, Mark Henning and Andrew R. Thomas
2019 Cuyahoga County Economic Development Plan: Indicators and Projections Brief, Iryna Lendel, Iryna Demko, and Matthew B. Ellerbrock
Center for Economic Development Welcomes the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council and U.S. EDA, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, and Matthew B. Ellerbrock
Update on Electricity Customer Choice In Ohio: Competition Continues to Outperform Traditional Monopoly Regulation (Executive Summary), Andrew R. Thomas, William M. Bowen, Mark Henning, Edward Hill, and Adam Kanter
Update on Electricity Customer Choice In Ohio: Competition Continues to Outperform Traditional Monopoly Regulation (Full Report), Andrew R. Thomas, William M. Bowen, Mark Henning, Edward W. Hill, and Adam Kanter
The Future is Now: Akron’s Dynamic and Inclusive Economy, Iryna Lendel, Iryna Demko, Merissa Piazza, and Matthew Ellerbrock
Cross-Sector Emergency Information Networks on Social Media: Online Bridging and Bonding Communication Patterns, Clayton Wukich, Qian Hu, and Michael D. Siciliano
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2018, Iryna Lendel and Jinhee Yun
Legacy Cities: Continuity and Change amid Decline and Revival, J. Rosie Tighe and Stephanie Ryberg Webster
Congressional District Boundaries in Ohio: Impact on Voters and Party Representation in the U.S. Congress, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Disruptive Growth Through Co-Working Industry: Economic Impact of Potential Real Estate Market Intervention in Cleveland, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Iryna Demko, and Nick Zingale
Local Front Runners: GRIDs in the 4 Northeast Ohio Metropolitan Areas, Merissa Piazza, Iryna Demko, Iryna Lendel, and Matthew B. Ellerbrock
Slow Job Growth and Economic Structure in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Robert Gleeson
Measuring the Seeds of Neighborhood Gentrification, Minkyu Yeom
Home Purchase Loans are Denied More Often for African American Applicants than White Applicants in Northeast Ohio, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
Learning from Laboratory Mistakes: How Policy Entrepreneurs Catalyze City Ordinance Repeals in the United States, Megan Hatch and Joseph Mead
Northeast Ohio Front Runners: Groups of Regional Industry Drivers (GRIDs), Iryna Lendel, Iryna Demko, Merissa Piazza, and Matthew Ellerbrock
Political Consequences of the Endangered Local Watchdog: Newspaper Decline and Mayoral Elections in the United States, Meghan Rubado and Jay T. Jennings
A Legal Perspective on the Organization–Volunteer Relationship, Joseph Mead
Northeast Ohio GRIDs Monitor, Merissa Piazza
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q1 and Q2 2018, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning, Kirby Date, and Tahir E. Sondo
Direct Marketing Channel Choices Among US Farmers: Evidence from the Local Food Marketing Practices Survey, Zoë T. Plakias, Iryna Demko, and Ani L. Katchova
A Bit of Craic and a Few Facts About the Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day, Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP
GCRTA Economic Impact and Contributions to Local Economy: Main Findings, Iryna Lendel, Obed Pasha, Dro Sohrabian, and Matthew Ellerbrock
Youngstown MSA: Growing Regional Industry Drivers (GRIDs), Iryna Lendel, Iryna Demko, Merissa Piazza, Samuel Owusu-Agyemang, Matthew Ellerbrock, and Kyle Jarus
Lordstown GM Plant Closure Economic Impact Study, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, and Matthew Ellerbrock
Connecting Cleveland: Economic Impact of Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, Iryna Lendel, Obed Pasha, Dro Sohrabian, and Matthew B. Ellerbrock
Sociophysics of intractable conflicts: Three-group dynamics, Miron Kaufman, Hung T. Diep, and Sanda Kaufman
Can U.S. Energy Demand be Supplied by Renewable Sources?, William M. Bowen
How Well Do Spanish-Speaking U.S. Residents also Speak English? Recent Data from the American Community Survey, Mark J. Salling
A Profile of Advanced Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio, Iryna Demko
Northeast Ohio Front Runners: Groups of Regional Industry Drivers (GRIDs) Research Brief, Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, and Iryna Demko
Back to the Beginning: The Resurgence of the Cuyahoga River and Cleveland, Aritree Samanta and Wendy A. Kellogg
Capital Budgeting, Infrastructure, and Capital Investment in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tatyana Guzman
Fiscal Conditions of the Largest Legacy Cities, Tatyana Guzman
Local Regulation of Charitable Solicitation, Joseph Mead
Strategic Business Location Decisions: Importance of Economic Factors and Place Image, Ashutosh Dixit, Candi Clouse, and Nazli Turken
The Role of the GIS Professional in Issues of Equity and Social Justice, Mark J. Salling, Greg Babinski, and Nicole Franklin
Submissions from 2018
Presentation to the Ohio Regional Economic Development Alliance Study Committee, Thomas Bier
Preparing for Disaster: Social Media Use for Household, Organizational, and Community Preparedness, Clayton Wukich
FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial For Contemporary Art: An American City, Iryna Lendel and Matthew B. Ellerbrock
The Impact of Performance Management Under Environmental Turbulence, Obed Pasha and Theodore H. Poister
Towards the Meridian: Albert Camus, Democracy, and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Change Versus Decline: The Suburbanization of Jobs in US Shrinking Cities, Joanna Ganning
Northeast Ohio Front Runners: Groups of Regional Industry Drivers (GRIDs), Iryna Lendel, Merissa Piazza, Iryna Demko, Jinhee Yun, and Samuel Owusu-Agyemang
Shale Investment Dashboard in Ohio Q3 and Q4 2017, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning, Kirby Date, and Tahir E. Sondo
Framing Morality Policy Issues: State Legislative Debates on Abortion Restrictions, Gary Mucciaroni, Kathleen Ferraiolo, and Meghan Rubado
Rethinking Our Regional Identities, Robert Gleeson and Joseph Andre
Believing in Cleveland: Managing Decline in the “Best Location in the Nation”, by J. Mark Souther, Stephanie Ryberg Webster
Change versus decline: The suburbanization of jobs in U.S. shrinking cities, Joanna Ganning
2018 Downstream Challenges and Opportunities, Iryna Lendel
Know Me Before You Speak for Me: Substantive Public Representation Among Nonprofits, Kristi Andrasik and Joseph Mead
Dynamic Firm Location Network Model with Anticipatory Scenarios for the Northeast Ohio Region, Sanda Kaufman, Miron Kaufman, and Mark Salling
Introduction: Phenomenology and Governance The Administrative Situation, Nicholas C. Zingale and Justin T. Piccorelli
Doctoral Education and the Academic Job Market in Planning: 2017-2018, Joanna Ganning
Dementors Circling Higher Education: Countering the Administrative Mood (Stimmung) of Empirical Science, Justin T. Piccorelli and Nicholas C. Zingale
Cleveland’s Slavic Village: Stabilizing a Neighborhood Hit Hard by the Foreclosure Crisis (2006-2017), W Dennis Keating
Impact of European Union–U.S. Organic Equivalency Arrangement on U.S. Exports, Iryna Demko and Edward C. Jaenicke
Inside the Margins: A Cleveland Literature Industry Study, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ellen Cyran, Simon Husted, Dro Sohrabian, and Jinhee Yun
The Economic and Fiscal Impact of a Microgrid in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning, Kirby Date, and Robert A. Simons
Trends of U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives (1913-2016), Iryna Demko
Economic Impact of the La Villa Hispana and El Mercado Projects, Ira Demko, Iryna Lendel, Candi Clouse, and Heather Smith
Sociophysics of social conflict, Sanda Kaufman, Miron Kaufman, and Hung T. Diep
Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Microgrid in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio, Ali H. Ahmed, Andrew R. Thomas, and Mark Henning
One Step Ahead of the Bulldozer: Historic Preservation in Houston, Texas, Stephanie Ryberg Webster
What Do We Mean by Democracy? Reflections on an Essentially Contested Concept and Its Relationship to Politics and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Judge Joan Larsen on Separation of Powers and Administrative Law, Joseph Mead
Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 7 Evaluation Report, Molly Schnoke, Merissa Piazza, Heather Smith, and Liam Robinson
Residential Historic Preservation and Neighbourhood Stability, Brian Mikelbank
Tax-Based Aid, College Enrollment, Persistence, and Graduation, Tatyana Guzman
Moving toward a Shared Understanding of the U.S. Shrinking City, Joanna Ganning and J. Rosie Tighe
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2017, Iryna Lendel and Jinhee Yun
Legislation Meets Tradition: Interpretations and Implications of the Volunteer Protection Act for Nonprofit Organizations as viewed through the Lens of Hermeneutics, Patricia Groble, Nicholas C. Zingale, and Joseph Mead
Legislation Meets Tradition: Interpretations and Implications of the Volunteer Protection Act for Nonprofit Organizations as viewed through the Lens of Hermeneutics, Patricia Groble, Nicholas C. Zingale, and Joseph Mead
Deconstructing Neighborhoods, Kristi Andrasik and Joseph Mead
2017 Economic Impact of Companies Funded and/or Assisted by the Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Service Provider Program, Candi Clouse, Ira Demko, and Nicholas C. Zingale
Cost-Benefit and Fiscal Impact Analysis of Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit (OHPTC), Tatyana Guzman
How Lakewood's Criminal Activity Nuisance Ordinance Undermines Housing Stability and Endangers Households in Crisis, Joseph Mead, Megan Hatch, J. Rosie Tighe, Marissa Pappas, and Kristi Andrasik
Remember Slavic Village? It’s Back, W Dennis Keating
Feasibility Analysis: BorderLight International Theatre Festival, Merissa Piazza, Molly Schnoke, Nick F. Zingale, and Iryna Lendel
The Nexus of Arts and Preservation: A Case Study of Cleveland's Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, Stephanie Ryberg Webster and Amanda Johnson Ashley
Vehicle Fuel Economy and Vehicle Miles Traveled: An Empirical Investigation of Jevon’s Paradox, Vinola Vincent Munyon, William M. Bowen, and John Holcombe
Treating Neighbors as Nuisances: Troubling Applications of Criminal Activity Nuisance Ordinances, Joseph Mead, Megan Hatch, J. Rosie Tighe, Marissa Pappas, Kristi Andrasik, and Elizabeth Bonham