Business Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2005
Management Educators' Expectations for Professional Ethics Development, Robert F. Scherer and Joseph A. Petrick
Information Technology-Enhanced Pricing Strategies: Managerial and Public Policy Implications, Ashutosh Dixit, Karin Braunsberger, George M. Zinkhan, and Yue Pan
An application of the consumer ethnocentrism model to French consumers, Andrew C. Gross, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Viginie Pioche Khare, and Robert F. Scherer
Image Theory and the Appraisal of Employee Performance: To Screen or Not to Screen?, Kenneth J. Dunegan
The Dynamics of Global E-Commerce: an Organizational Ecology Perspective, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and Robert F. Scherer
Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Internet Firms - A Strategic Framework and Implications for Global Marketers, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Robert F. Scherer, Glenna Pendleton, and Lori P. Radulovich
Submissions from 2002
Lmx and Subordinate Performance: The Moderating Effects of Task Characteristics, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Strategic Challenges for the Marketing of Services Internationally, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and D. Steven White
Submissions from 2001
Strategic Issues of E-Commerce as an Alternative Global Distribution System, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and Rosemary Ramsey
Submissions from 2000
Corporate Support for Ethical and Environmental Policies: A Financial Management Perspective, Marion Webb, Edward G. Thomas, and Alan K. Reichert
Firm Characteristics Influencing Export Propensity: an Empirical Investigation By Industry Type, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, D. Steven White, and Oscar Lee
Submissions from 1999
A Life Cycle Segmentation Approach to Marketing Financial Products and Services, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and Paul A. Dion
Submissions from 1998
An Empirical Assessment of the Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman Service Expectations Model, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Paul A. Dion, and Janet Dilorenzo-Aiss
The Antecedents of Preventive Health Care Behavior: an Empirical Study, Rama k. Jayanti and Alvin C. Burns
Submissions from 1997
Women in the Business-To-Business Salesforce: Some Differences in Performance Factors, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Paul A. Dion, and Debbie Easterling
Submissions from 1996
Fines, Frames, and Images: Examining Formulation Effects on Punishment Decisions, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1995
Image Compatibility and the Use of Problem Space Information in Resource-Allocation Decisions - Testing a Moderating Effects Model, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Print Advertising at the Component Level: A Cross-Cultural-Comparison of the United-States and Japan, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Bob D. Culter, and Naresh K. Malhotra
Foreign Market Entry Mode Behavior as a Gateway to Further Entries: The Nafta Experience, Amit K. Ghosh, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Seyda Deligonul, Douglas M. Lambert, and S. Tamer Gavusgil
Image Theory - Testing the Role of Image Compatibility in Progress Decisions, Kenneth J. Dunegan
How Industrial Distributors View Distributor-Supplier Partnership Arrangements, W. Benoy Joseph, John T. Gardner, Sharon Thach, and Frances Vernon
Submissions from 1994
Comparison of Business-To-Business Advertising: The United-States and the United-Kingdom, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and Bob D. Culter
Submissions from 1993
Make-Or-Buy Decisions and Their Implications, David Ford, Barry Cotton, David Farmer, Andrew C. Gross, and Ian Wilkinson
Submissions from 1992
Affect, Risk, and Decision Criticality - Replication and Extension in a Business Setting, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Business Ethics Judgments: A Cross-Cultural-Comparison, Thomas W. Whipple and Dominic F. Swords
Perceptions of an Innovative Climate - Examining the Role of Divisional Affiliation, Work Group-Interaction, and Leader Subordinate Exchange, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Understanding Needs and Concerns of the Elderly Regarding Medicare Health Maintenance Organizations, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and V. Kanti Prasad
Examining the Link Between Leader-Member Exchange and Subordinate Performance - The Role of Task Analyzability and Variety as Moderators, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1991
The Industrial Buying Process in Capitalist and Socialist-Countries, Peter Banting, Jozsef Beracs, and Andrew C. Gross
Submissions from 1989
Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Bank Management - Analysis of Consumer Bank Selection Decisions, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi, Robert L. Armacost, and Jamshid C. Hosseini
An Empirical Test of Staw and Ross Prescriptions for the Management of Escalation of Commitment Behavior in organizations, Kenneth J. Dunegan, S L. Barton, and D Duchon
Job-Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Relation to Work Performance and Turnover Intentions, Harry J. Martin and Lynn McFarlance Shore
Framing the Problem and Making Decisions - the Facts Are Not Enough, Kenneth J. Dunegan
Submissions from 1988
Integrating Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models Into the Decision Support System Framework for Marketing Decisions, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi and Hemant K. Jain
The Information Vending Machine, Andrew C. Gross
Submissions from 1987
Is Industrial Advertising Sexist?, Nancy A. Reese, Thomas W. Whipple, and Alice E. Courtney
International Business Education in the AACSB Schools, Ivan R. Vernon and John Thanopoulos
Submissions from 1986
Global Competition for Environmental Markets - The Case of the Water-Pollution Control Equipment Industry, Andrew C. Gross
Submissions from 1985
Similarities in Industrial Procurement Across Four Countries, Peter Banting, David Ford, Andrew C. Gross, and George Holmes
Submissions from 1983
Where We Stand - The United-States Vis-A-Vis Everyone Else, Andrew C. Gross
Submissions from 1982
Review of Failed Multinational Ventures: The Political Economy of International Divestments, Andrew C. Gross
An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of Some Commonly Researched Individual Differences, Job, and Organizational Variables in Two Cultures, Harry J. Martin and Uma Sekaran
Submissions from 1978
Review of Marketing-Management in Multinational Firms - Consumer Packaged Goods Industry, Andrew C. Gross
Submissions from 1969
Patterns and determinants of income of canadian engineering graduates, Andrew C. Gross