Submissions from 2010
The Politics of Volunteering Policies, Jeffrey L . Brudney
The Return on Investment in Volunteers: The ROI of Calculating the ROI, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Thirty Years and More: How Has the Nonprofit Academic Literature Addressed Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Practice?, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Ubiquitous Geographic Information, Sung-Gheel Jang
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Afia Yamoah
Northeast Ohio High-Tech Economy Report, Iryna Lendel
Regional Science and Innovation Policies: Five Case Studies, Iryna Lendel and Luz Haack
The Effects of Government, Academic and Industrial Policy on Cross-University Collaboration, Benjamin Y. Clark
A Web-based Exploratory Mapping Tool for the Rocky River Important Bird Area, Sung-Gheel Jang
Evaluation of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project, Brian A. Mikelbank
Putting University Research to Good Use, Brian A. Mikelbank
Service Learning: Findings from a 14 Nation Study, Jeffrey L . Brudney and Sandra Schmahl
What is Urban Studies?: Context, Internal Structure, and Content, William M. Bowen, Ronnie A. Dunn, and David A. Kasdan
Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. on Northeast Ohio, 2009, Ziona Austrian
JumpStart Inc. Economic Impact and Contributions to Northeast Ohio, 2009, Ziona Austrian and Afia Yamoah
The Ohio Bioscience Industry, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse
A Cross-metropolitan Analysis of the Roles of Employment Centers, Joel A. Elvery
Assessing the Feasibility of an Aerotropolis Around Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Appendices, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, James Wyles, Brian A. Mikelbank, Jim Robey, Kevin O'Brien, and
Assessing the Feasibility of an Aerotropolis Around Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Executive Report, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, James Wyles, Brian A. Mikelbank, Jim Robey, Kevin O'Brien, and
Assessing the Feasibility of an Aerotropolis Around Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Technical Report, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, James Wyles, Brian A. Mikelbank, Jim Robey, Kevin O'Brien, and
Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland Measureable Outcomes Project Report, Stuart Mendel
Brief History of Religion in Northeast Ohio, A, George W. Knepper
Can Cleveland become sustainable?, Sanda Kaufman, Wendy A. Kellogg, and Nicholas C. Zingale
Census 2010 and Human Services and Community Development, Mark Salling and Jenita McGowan
Center for Community Solutions Fund Development Plan and Implementation 2009 – 2010, Stuart Mendel
Environmental inter-organizational collaboratives and their sustainability, Sanda Kaufman
Equal Standing with States: Tribal Sovereignty and Standing after Massachusetts v. EPA, Joseph Mead and Nicholas Fromherz
Facing the Foreclosure Crisis in Greater Cleveland: What Happened and How Communities are Responding, Claudia Coulton, Kathryn W. Hexter, April Hirsh, Anne O’Shaughnessy, Francisca G.C. Richter, and Michael Schramm
Free Market and Government intervention: a case for mutual co-existence, Nancy Meyer-Emerick
From Ark to Art : The 20-year Journey of the Civic, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, from Jewish Temple to Multi-purpose Community Facility, John J. Boyle III
Government housing policies and housing market instability in Korea, Hyeon Yu and Sugie Lee
Guide to Stones Used for Houses of Worship in Northeastern Ohio, Joseph T. Hannibal
Human Resource Management in the Public Sector: Examining International Cases, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Human Resource Professionalist in Georgia Counties: Examining the Determinants of Knowledge of Law, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Impact of Research Universities on Regional Economies Through the Concept of University Products, Iryna Lendel
In Defense of Politics in Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Instructor's Manual, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Intra-metropolitan Spatial Differentiation and Socioeconomic Inequalities in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Sugie Lee
Introduction to the Symposium: Accountability and Performance Measurement: The Evolving Role of Nonprofits in the Hollow State, Jennifer K. Alexander, Jeffrey L . Brudney, and K. Yang
Justice and Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer, Charles Abel, and Arthur J. Sementelli
Katrina's Imprint: Race and Vulnerability in America, Keith Wailoo, Karen O'Neill, Jeffrey Dowd, and Roland Anglin
Local Government Human Resource Management and Federal EEO Law, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Biennial Report: 2007-2009 Levin. Changing America's Cities..., CSU University Marketing
Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Economic Impact Analysis: Columbus Regional Focus Group Report, Kevin O'Brien
Open Source Software for GIS and Spatial Analysis, Sung-Gheel Jang
Open Source Tools in Teaching Advanced GIS Curricula: Challenges and Prospects, Sung-Gheel Jang
Open Source Tools & Standards in GISc Research and Education I, Sung-Gheel Jang
Poor National and Local Economies Keep People from Moving An Analysis of 2009 County Population Estimates for Northeast Ohio, Mark Salling
Promoting Sustainable Local Economic Development, Roland Anglin
Putting Artists on the Map: A Five Part Study of Greater Cleveland Artists' Location Decisions - Part 1: Summary Report, Mark Salling, Gregory Soltis, Charles Post, Sharon Bliss, and Ellen Cyran
Race, Class, and Spatial Dimensions of Mortgage Lending Practices and Residential Foreclosures, Sugie Lee, Timothy F. Kobie, and Mark S. Rosentraub
Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities in Northeast Ohio, Mark Salling and Joseph Ahern
Reconciling Postmodern Public Administration and Constitutionalism: Some Reflections on the Ideas of Stuart Hampshire, Michael W. Spicer
Regional Economic Policy in Europe, Haifeng Qian
Regional Science Association, K. Haynes and Haifeng Qian
Report of the Findings of the Tax Collection Subcommittee, Cuyahoga County Transition Committee: Finance and Administration Committee, Kevin O'Brien
Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County, Interim Evaluation Report January 1, 2009 Through December 31, 2009, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke
Social and Cultural Origins of Motivation to Volunteer: A Comparison of University Students in Six Countries, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Special Issue: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Jennifer K. Alexander, Jeffrey L . Brudney, and K. Yang
Spirituality and the Role of Nonprofits, Jennifer K. Alexander
Stained Glass Windows of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio, Produced by Wilbur H. Burnham Studios, Michael J. Tevesz
Sustainability for a Green City on a Blue Lake, Nicholas C. Zingale, Wendy A. Kellogg, and Sanda Kaufman
Sustainable Cleveland 2019 - Building an Economy Engine to Empower a Green City on a Blue Lake, Nancy Meyer-Emerick
Sustaining Volunteer Involvement, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Talent, Creativity and Regional Economic Performance: The Case of China, Haifeng Qian
Teaching and Living in Presov, Slovakia: My Fulbright Experience, Nancy Meyer-Emerick
The Americans with Disabilities Act, Christine Ledvinka Rush
The Chief Purpose of Universities: Academic Discourse and the Diversity of Ideas, William M. Bowen and Michael Schwartz
The Cleveland 2020 Plan, Norman Krumholz
The Impact of Term Limits on State Legislatures, New Models, Inc., Kevin O'Brien
The Leftmost City: Power & Progressive Politics in Santa Cruz" in City & Communities", Norman Krumholz
The Ship of State Framing an Understanding of Federalism and the Perfect Disaster, Roland Anglin
The Structure of US R&D Policymaking: An Overview, Haifeng Qian and Kingsley E. Haynes
Transactions in GIS, Sung-Gheel Jang
Under the Lens: The Geography of Optical Science as an Emerging Industry, Iryna Lendel and Maryann Feldman
Using Volunteers in the Workplace, Jeffrey L . Brudney
[Volunteer and Volunteer Program] Terminology, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Who Played the Major Roles in Suburban Expansion in Seoul Metropolitan Area?, Sugie Lee
Submissions from 2009
Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology in North America: Pathways to Success in Northeast Ohio, E. Brandon Henneman and et al.
New Establishment Dynamics: Business Formation and Survival Trends in Ohio, Afia Yamoah, Ziona Austrian, and Joel A. Elvery
The Long Road to Recovery from the recession of 2007: December 2009 Update, Edward W. Hill
Policy Adoption in Dynamic International Environments: Evidence from National AIDS Programs, Benjamin Y. Clark
National trends in the United States of America physician assistant workforce from 1980 to 2007, Xiaoxing Z. He, Ellen Cyran, and Mark J. Salling
Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: Fourth-Year Findings, David O. Kasdan
An Important Reduction in U.S. Carbon Emissions, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Deil S. Wright In Memoriam, Jeffrey Brudney, Chung-Lae Cho Cho, Margaret R. Ferguson, Alfred R. Light, Jay Eungha Ryu, Nelson C. Dometrius, and Cynthia J. Bowling
Letting Good Deeds Go Unpunished: Volunteer Immunity Laws and Tort Deterrence, Jill R. Horwitz and Joseph Mead
The Civic Innovation Lab: Economic Impact, Ziona Austrian Ph.D.
A Cross-metropolitan Analysis of the Roles of Employment Centers, Joel A. Elvery
A Matter of Taste? Participation in Formal and Informal Volunteering, Jeffrey L . Brudney
A Statewide FBO/NPO Digital Inventory: Is it Feasible?, Mark J. Salling and Joseph Ahern
County Managers' Knowledge of Law and Allegations of Employment Law Violations, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Geographic disparities in health-related characteristics among the elderly in Ohio (2004-2008), Sung-Gheel Jang
How Much Stock Can We Put in SOX? Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Identification of Cross-Sector Competencies for Leaders and Managers of Health Care Organizations, Jeffrey L . Brudney
Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Human Resource Innovations in City Government, Christine Ledvinka Rush
Metropolitan Growth Patterns and Socioeconomic Inequalities in US Metropolitan Areas 1970-2000, Sugie Lee