
Submissions from 2007

Some Reflections on Democracy and their Implications for American Public Administration., Michael W. Spicer


Jefferson Village Downtown District Plan, Wendy A. Kellogg, Kirby Date, Richard Klein, James Wyles, Alicia Dyer, Tim Kobie, and Christine Zuniga


The High-Tech Sector in Northeast Ohio: Baseline Report, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor


Biological integrity in urban streams: Toward resolving multiple dimensions of urbanization, Bernard Michael Walton; Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP; James Wyles; and Julie Wolin

A Global Comparison of Business Journal Ranking Systems, Jennifer K. Alexander, Robert F. Scherer, and Marc Lecoutre


An Analysis of Services Provided by Faith-Based Organizations to Cleveland’s Ward 17 Community, Mark Salling


An Examination of the Quality of Supply and Demand Issues of Northeast Ohio’s Information and Communications Technology Workforce (Phase II), Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, and Michael McGoun


Brief Description and Analysis of the Census Bureau's 2006 Population Estimates for Incorporated Places for Cleveland and Other Ohio Cities, Mark Salling

Economic Growth and Human Capital Development in Uzbekistan, Tatyana Guzman


Environmental Finance Center Network Directory, Vivian Tucker

Ethics for Planners, Jennifer K. Alexander

Evolutionary Systems Theory, Universities, and Endogenous Regional Economic Development, William M. Bowen


Exactions, Dedications and Impact Fees, Alan C. Weinstein

From Novice to Expert: Operationalizing Kinds of Knowing in an Environmental Management Setting, Nicholas C. Zingale

Intra-Metropolitan Spatial Differentiation and Decline of Inner-Ring Suburbs: A Comparison of Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Sugie Lee and Nancey Green Leigh

It’s Your Business, pilot television program for Village TV, May/June 2007., Stuart Mendel


JumpStart Inc: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian

Location-Based Services: Enabling Technologies and a Concierge Service Model, S. Kang, T. Kim, and Sung-Gheel Jang

Mayoral Leadership and Facilitative Governance, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs


Northeast Ohio Information Technology Workforce Report, Center for Public Management


Obituary for Larry D. Terry, Camilla M. Stivers

"Planning for Sustainability", chapter in A Guide to Planning in Ohio, American Planning Association Ohio Chapter, Jennifer Evans-Cowley, editor, Kirby Date and Wendy A. Kellogg

Politics and The Limits Of A Science Of Governance: Some Reflections on The Thought Of Bernard Crick, Michael W. Spicer

Report to the Billie Howland Steffee Fund (of the Cleveland Foundation): Community Reentry and the Urban Street Academy, Stuart Mendel

Report to the Friends of Brick: Next Steps in Development for the Brick Program and Friends of Brick, Stuart Mendel

Semantically Interoperable Geospatial Information Processing: A Review and A Canonical Model Approach, Sung-Gheel Jang and T. J. Kim

Semantically Interoperable Transportation Data Model: Methodology and Application, Sung-Gheel Jang and T. J. Kim


States and their Cities: Partnerships for the Future , Harold Wolmam, Edward W. Hill, Patricia Atkins, Pamela Blumenthal, Kimberly Furdell, Jo Anne Schneider, and Elaine Weiss


The Economic Impact of the Arts and Culture (ACE) as Economic Development Grant Program On the Greater Cleveland Regional Economy, Center for Public Management and Jacob Duritsky

The Essential Fund-raising Guide for Deans and Directors in Higher Education, Stuart Mendel

The marginalization of negotiation wisdom, Sanda Kaufman, C. Honeyman, and A. Schneider

The Use of Focus Groups for Design and Implementation of Environmental Administrative Programs: A Comparison of Two State-Level Processes in Ohio, Wendy A. Kellogg, Kevin E. O'Brien, Claudette Robey, and K. Toth

Urban Spatial Pattern as Self-Organizing System: An Empirical Evaluation of Firm Location Decisions in Cleveland-Akron PMSA, Ohio, William M. Bowen, Mukesh Kumar, and Miron Kaufman

Submissions from 2006


Economic Wellbeing and Where We Live: Accounting for Geographical Cost-of-Living Differences in the US, Leah Beth Curran, Harold L. Wohlman, Edward W. Hill, and Kimberly Furdell


Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County: An Assessment of Progress, Alan C. Weinstein, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Molly Schnoke

Modeling an Interoperable Multimodal Travel Guide System using the ISO 19100 Series of International Standards, Sung-Gheel Jang and T. J. Kim


Manufacturing Brief: Trends in Manufacturing Industries in Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian


Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Ziona Austrian

Process and intervention mechanisms in public decisions in the United States, Sanda Kaufman and D. Shmueli


Northeast Ohio entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: First Year Findings, Jill S. Taylor

The Use Of Constituent Focus Groups For More Effective Program Planning And Management: A Case Study Of The Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund, Wendy Kellogg, Kevin O'Brien, and Kirstin Toth


What Makes a Region Entrepreneurial? A Review of the Literature, Jill S. Taylor


Analysis of the Weatherhead 100 Companies within the Context of Northeast Ohio Industries: Analytical Report, Iryna Lendel

An Analysis of the Proposed Lease of the Ohio Turnpike, June 2, 2006, David A. Ellis and Edward W. Hill


Traditional Regional Economic Indicators 2006, Frank Akpadock Ph.D.

Leadership Matters: So Does the Attitude of the Leader, Nicholas C. Zingale


Manufacturing Brief: Trends in Manufacturing Industries in Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian


Northwest Ohio Manufacturing Analysis, Robert Sadowski and Jill Norton


The Healthcare Cluster in the Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor MSA, 2000-2005, Iryna Lendel


An Assessment of Education and Training Needs in the Ohio Aerospace Industry, Shari Garmise


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Indicators, Robert Sadowski


Sunbelt/Frostbelt: Public Policies and Market Forces in Metropolitan Development, Brian A. Mikelbank


A Review of Tax and Expenditure Limitations and Their Impact on State and Local Government in Ohio, Edward W. Hill, Matthew Sattler, Jacob Duritsky, Kevin O'Brien, and Claudette Robey

Standard Protocol for Team Process Review of Ohio's Urban School Districts, Claudette Robey


Training Opportunities Available to Ohio Lake Erie Basin Local Decision-makers Regarding the Economic and Fiscal Benefits of Coastal and Watershed Stewardship, Wendy A. Kellogg and Erica Matheny


Regional Economic Indicators: Human Capital and Workforce, Iryna Lendel

Administrative Discretion: can we move beyond the cider house rules, Jennifer K. Alexander and Samuel A. Richmond

A Meta Analysis of the Effect of Environmental Contamination and Positive Amenities on Residential Property Values, Robert A. Simons and Jesse Saginor

Book Review: Cultivating Democracy: Civic Environments and Political Socialization in America, Jennifer K. Alexander

Cities, Tax Revenues, and Ohio's Future: The Value of Major Urban Centers, William M. Bowen, Marie Ellen Haynes, and Mark S. Rosentraub

Development Finance of Environmentally Contaminated "Brownfield" Properties, Kevin O'Brien


Due Process and Equal Protection, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck


Eminent Domain, Takings and Exactions, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck

Environmental Mediation, Sanda Kaufman

Equity Planning for the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: E-Interview with Norman Krumholz, Sugie Lee


Foreign-Born Population in Selected Ohio Cities, 1870 to 2000 A Brief Descriptive Report, Mark Salling and Ellen Cyran

Frame changes and the management of intractable conflicts, Deborah Shmueli, Michael Elliott, and Sanda Kaufman


Freedom of Religion and Expression, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck


Giving Trends: What Do They Mean?, Stuart Mendel

Innovation and Collaboration for Sustainable Development, Kevin O'Brien

Jeanne-Marie Col: Daughter of Africa, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Judith Kirschoff


Kelo and Counting, Alan C. Weinstein


Kelo: One Year Later, Alan C. Weinstein


Lighted Schoolhouse at Daniel E. Morgan Elementary School: Pilot Program Evaluation, Kathryn W. Hexter, Sanda Kaufman, Mittie Davis Jones, Naomi Sikes-Gilbert, and Erin Aleman


Low-Value Speech, Alan C. Weinstein


Northeast Ohio Citizens Speak: Individual Citizen Interviews Data Analysis Final Report, Mark Chupp


Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Ziona Austrian


Northeast Ohio Employment and Wage Trends: Economic Brief, January 2006, Ziona Austrian Ph.D.


O'Brien Content-Neutral Free Speech, Alan C. Weinstein

Public Housing and the Underclass: Policy Choices and Implications, J. Rosie Tighe

Racial Profiling: Driving While Black in Cleveland, Ronnie A. Dunn

Teaching Adaptive Behaviors to Build Lasting Capacity in Faith and Community Based Nonprofit Organizations, Stuart Mendel

The Challenge of Intractable Conflicts: Introduction to the Colloquium, Sanda Kaufman, H. Burgess, and G. Burgess

The Interpreter as intervener, Sanda Kaufman

The Legacy of David Hume for American Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer

The Local Context of a Sports Strategy for Economic Development, Mark Rosentraub

The U.S. Strategies for Social Integration in Urban Residential Spaces, Sugie Lee

Transforming an American Region: Recommendations for Rebuilding the U.S. Gulf Coast After the Storms, Roland Anglin


Using the Census Bureau's Public Use Microdata for Migration Analysis, Mark Salling and Ellen Cyran

When Bad Things Happen to Good Property, Robert A. Simons

You Should Run for Office (Video), Kevin O'Brien and Grace Drake


Zoning Laws and Freedom of Speech, Alan C. Weinstein