Submissions from 2012
Legislative and Regulatory Update, W. Jonathon Airey, Mike McCormac, and Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
The State of Ohio's Steel Industry, Edward W. Hill, Iryna Lendel, and Fran Stewart
Analysis of Median Household Income Differences between Election Day-VBM and EIP Voters, Mark Salling and Norman Robbins
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Perverse Stance on Development Impact Fees and What To Do About It, Alan Weinstein
Needs Assessment and Service Strategy, Daila Shimek and Claudette Robey
The City Designs (Urban Design), Stephanie R. Ryberg-Webster
The Cleveland Health Tech Corridor: An Analysis of Economic Trends, 2000-2011, Matthew Hrubey, Ziona Austrian, and Joe Andre
Southington Township Comprehensive Plan: Visions 2060, Southington Township Comprehensive Planning Committee, Kirby Date, and Melissa Schneider
2011 Economic Impact of Jumpstart Inc. Portfolio and Client Companies, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse
Putting the NP in PPP: The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Public Private Partnerships, Stuart Mendel and Jeffrey L . Brudney
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2011, Iryna Lendel and Sunjoo Park
The Ohio Bioscience Sector, 2000-2010, Matthew Hrubey, Candice Clouse, and Ziona Austrian
John Carroll University Economic Impact, Ziona Austrian, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Tyler Thompson, and Matthew Hrubey
Minority Participation in Technology Based Growth Industries in Northeast Ohio, Merissa Piazza, Elorm Tsegah, Ziona Austrian, and Ellen Cyran
Detroit Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Merissa Piazza, Joan Chase, Chang-Shik Song, Elorm Tsegah, and Ziona Austrian
Analysis and Economic Impact of the Film Industry in Northeast Ohio & Ohio, Candice Clouse
Executive Summary- Re-Thinking the Future of Cleveland's Neighborhood Developers, Norman Krumholz and Kathryn Hexter
Full Report- Re-Thinking the Future of Cleveland's Neighborhood Developers: Interim Report, Norman Krumholz and Kathryn Hexter
Introducing the Ohio New Establishment Dynamics Data, Joel A. Elvery and Ellen Cyran
Linking Local Perceptions to the Biophysical and Amenity Contexts of Forest Disturbance in Colorado, Courtney Flint, Hua Qin, and Joanna Ganning
An Analysis of the Economic Potential for Shale Formations in Ohio, Andrew R. Thomas, Iryna Lendel, Edward W. Hill, Douglas Southgate, and Robert Chase
Fiscal Review of the Cleveland Public Library & Scan of State and National Trends in Library Funding, Claudette Robey and Kevin O'Brien
Urban Planning For Dummies, Jordan Yin and W. Paul Farmer
Akron Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Merissa Piazza, Joan Chase, Chang-Shik Song, Elorm Tsegah, and Ziona Austrian
Anti-Defamation League Strategic Plan 2008-2011, Stuart Mendel
Book Review: The Politics of Partnerships: A Critical Examination of Nonprofit-Business Partnerships, Stuart Mendel
Chains of Freedom: A View from Erich Fromm on Individuality within Organizations, Nicholas C. Zingale and Piccorelli T. Justin
Chapter 10: The City Works, Claudette Robey and James Robey
China's Development Disconnect, Haifeng Qian, Florida R, and C. Mellander
Cleveland Housing Market Analysis and Update, Brian A. Mikelbank
Cleveland State University Population Protection Project, Nancy Meyer-Emerick
Community/ tribal economic development and land rights in Africa: A survey, Robert A. Simons
Coping with Shrinkage in Germany and the U.S. A cross-cultural comparative approach toward sustainable cities, Nicholas C. Zingale and Deborah Riemann
Demographic and Socioeconomic Conditions and a Patron Borrowing Analysis of Cleveland Public Library Branch and Main Libraries, Mark Salling
Employment Growth from Public Support of Innovation in Small Firms, Haifeng Qian
Evaluation of Advancing Central's Health Together: Community Based Participatory Research for the Center for Health Equity, Mittie Davis Jones
Evaluation of EXPORT (Excellence in Partnerships for Community Outreach and Research on Disparities in Health and Training) project for the Center for Health Equity, Mittie Davis Jones
Federal Land Use Law and Litigation, Alan Weinstein
Financial Condition of Bedford, Ohio 2003 – 2010, City of Bedford, Kevin O'Brien
Financing America’s Infrastructure Needs: Useful Life Financing, Time to Reconsider a Smart Idea, Underground Infrastructure Management, Kevin O'Brien, William Jarocki, and Kristina Gillespie
Fiscal Review of the Cleveland Public Library and Scan of State and National Trends in Library Funding, Claudette Robey, Kevin O'Brien, Kyle Julien, and Scott Winograd
Forces Affecting City Population Growth or Decline: The Effects of Interregional and Inter-municipal Competition, Edward W. Hill, Harold L. Wolman, Katherine Kowalczyk, and Travis St. Clair
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority: Redline Naming Rights & Sponsorship Feasibility Study, The Superlative Group, Kevin O'Brien
Growing Leaders to Enhance Civil Society: Assessing the Contributions of Leadership Newark, Roland Anglin
Here Comes the Neighborhood: A Cleveland Success Story, an article on the Gordon Square Arts District, PLANNING Magazine (Vol. 78, No. 3), Norman Krumholz and Joy Roller
How Long Does it Take Students to Reach Minimum English Proficiency? Implications for NCLB Reauthorization, Dylan Conger, Megan Hatch, Jessica McKinney, Meghan Salas Atwell, and Anne Lamb
How Race and Class Stereotyping Shapes Attitudes Toward Affordable Housing, J. Rosie Tighe
Identifying Areas of Primary Care Shortage in Urban Ohio, Liao Hsin-Chung and William M. Bowen
In Memoriam: Ralph P. Hummel (1937-2012), Nicholas C. Zingale
Linking Land Use and Ohio's Waters: Best Local Land Use Practices, Ohio Balanced Growth Program, Kirby Date
Megacities, Regions, and Creativity: The Geography of Talent in China, Haifeng Qian and Roger R. Stough
Metra Rock Island District Commuter Rail Line: Naming Rights & Sponsorship Feasibility Study, The Superlative Group, Kevin O'Brien
Metropolitan Growth Patterns and Community Disparities: Insights from the State of New Jersey, Sugie Lee
Northeast Ohio Storm Water Training Consortium Strategic Plan: 2012-2014, Claudette Robey
Presentation: Y.O.U Measureable Outcomes Presentation to the Community, Stuart Mendel
Professional Real Estate Activities and Academic Journal Importance among African Scholars: A Snapshot of the 2008 African Real Estate Society Meeting, Robert A. Simons and Aly Karam
Racial and Ethnic Proportions of Early In-Person Voters in Cuyahoga County, General Election 2008, and Implications for 2012, Norman Robbins and Mark Salling
Redefining beauty, C. Lawry, Sanda Kaufman, and A. Bhappu
Reducing Pregnancy among At-Rosk Teenaged Girls, Mittie Davis Jones
Re-Imagining Cleveland - organizational and informational, Helen Liggett
Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2011 Evaluation Report, Kathryn W. Hexter and Molly Schnoke
Review of the Financial Condition of the Cleveland Public Library: Board/Administration Presentation, Cleveland Public Library, Kevin O'Brien
Review of the Financial Condition of the Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Kevin O'Brien
Review of the Operations of Bay Village, Ohio, Daila Shimek, Kyle Julien, Scott Winograd, Claudette Robey, James Wyles, and Kevin E. O'Brien
Safe Haven Community Value Report, Stuart Mendel
Scan of the Financial Condition of Bay Village Ohio, 2002 – 2010, City of Bay Village, Kevin O'Brien
Scan of the Financial Condition of the Village of Bratenahl, Ohio: 2002 – 2010, Bratenahl Community Organization, Kevin O'Brien
Sequence of Images, Helen Liggett
Social and demographic dimensions of sex-selection technologies: Review and analysis of the research literature, Roberta M. Steinbacher, William M. Bowen, and S. Park
Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Designing a Green Economic Future Using the Appreciative Inquiry Summit Process, Nancy Meyer-Emerick
The Academic Development of Black Foreign-born Students in Miami-Dade County Schools, Dylan Conger and Megan Hatch
The Association of Adult Businesses with Secondary Effects: Legal Doctrine, Social Theory, and Empirical Evidence, Alan C. Weinstein and Richard D. McCleary
The Effect of RLUIPA's Land Use Provisions on Local Government, Alan C. Weinstein
The Garden, Helen Liggett
The Location of US Business Support Programs: Does the Knowledge Context Matter?, Haifeng Qian, Kingsley E. Haynes, and S. Turner
The Next Steps Toward Consolidating Public Safety Dispatch Centers: Parma, Ohio, Daila Shimek, Scott Winograd, Kimberly Renee Vining, Eugene Kramer, Thomas Cozzens, Claudette Robey, Kevin E. O'Brien, and Andrew Batson
The Ohio Supreme Court's Perverse Stance on Development Impact Fees and What To Do About It, Alan C. Weinstein
The Social and Demographic Dimensions of Sex-Selection Technology: An Analytical Review, William M. Bowen, Sunjoo Park, and Roberta Steinbacher
The Worship Experience, Helen Liggett
Tilling the Soil as an Exemplary Urban Practice, Helen Liggett
Valleyview Hope VI Evaluation, Mittie Davis Jones
Welcome House Strategic Plan 2008 – 2012, Stuart Mendel
Submissions from 2011
Historic Designation and the Rebuilding of Inner City Neighborhoods: New Evidence of the Value of an Old Policy Tool, Akram Ijla, Stephanie Ryberg Webster, and William M. Bowen
Living Cities: The Integration Initiative in Cleveland, Ohio - Greater University Circle Community Wealth Building Initiative: Year One Formative and Summative Evaluation Report, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Candi Clouse, and Matt Hrubey
Driving the Economy Home: What Matters Most to Northeast Ohio's Economy (Dashboard of Economic Indicators 2011), Emily Garr, Ziona Austrian, and Merissa Piazza
Influences and Conflicts of Federal Policies in Academic–Industrial Scientific Collaboration, Benjamin Y. Clark
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Biennial Report: 2010-2011 Report to the Community, Roslyn Bucy-Kaleal
Remix Cleveland- The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Executive Summary, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey
Remix Cleveland: The Cleveland Music Sector and Its Economic Impact - Full Report, Iryna Lendel, Sharon Bliss, Candice Clouse, Merissa Piazza, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, Renee Constantino, and Matthew Hrubey
Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. Portfolio and Client Companies, 2010, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse
Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Matthew Hrubey
The Spatial Heterogeneity and Geographic Extent of Population Deconcentration: Measurement and Policy Implications, Joanna Ganning and Benjamin McCall
An Assessment of EDA's Partnership Planning Program, George A. Erickcek, Brad Watts, Larry C. Ledebur, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, Kevin E. O'Brien, Andrew Batson, Jim Robey, Jacob Duritsky, and Kim Merik
Economic Justice: 2011, Helen Liggett
Representing the City, Helen Liggett
Arthur Bentley and the Narrative of Politics in Public Administration, Michael W. Spicer
Modeling Political Conflict Dynamics In a Two-Party System, Sanda Kaufman and Miron Kaufman
Cleveland's Ecovillage: Green and Affordable Housing Through a Network Alliance, Wendy A. Kellogg and W. Dennis Keating
Upstate New York Entrepreneurial Opportunity Survey Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, Sunjoo Park, and Joan Chase